For Those Seeking The Truth & Dynamic Living

Christ is Victor

July/August 2005                                                                                       

Volume 18, Number 4




A matter of grave concern has been heavy on my heart. Why are we not exalting the name of Jesus Christ, unable to set up such a flood of light around us that men and women readily recognize that Jesus is the author of Light, Jesus is the Sun of Righteousness, and Jesus is the Light of the world?

How is it that in the prevailing darkness around us, our light is scarcely visible? This seems to be a grave contradiction, as much as to say, is there light at all? If there is light it should be seen, because of the prevailing darkness. I cannot understand how people can become so totally irrational. If our churches are a light that means crime rate around us should go down.

If you are a light, if our families are a light, then there should be people clamouring all round us, saying, “Please give us some of that light which makes you so effective, so happy, so stable, so secure.” There should be a clamouring around us saying, “Give us that light.” The world should be looking at us and saying, “We need the light which is in you”. Why is it that we are not able to arrest that normal attention that light automatically begets?

Even the creatures of darkness seem somehow to draw near to light. I once saw what appeared like creatures of darkness seem somehow to approach the light, rather timorously it might be. I once saw what I thought was a bird which was on the ground late at night but slowly crawling towards the light that emanated from my tent. I said, “What is that?” I went out of the tent and took a good look, and it was a huge scorpion, I don't know what caused that scorpion to draw near to the light, but I have often seen that to be the case. Now the normal reaction of a creature should be to turn away from the light, to look for some dark corner. But sometimes I have seen these creatures of darkness even advancing towards the light, perhaps to get some of their prey near the light which they can devour.

Why should we say we are Christians? Why should we say we are those that walk in the light, as He is in the light? Our Lord has no darkness at all. There is no darkness in Him, we are told. All right, then, is there darkness in us? Is there gloom in us? Why is our light not shining in the prevailing gloom of our day? Now, this to me is a matter of great sorrow. There are some causes for this lack of light. I would say first I notice, people do not know how to pray.

If a person ceases to breathe, he is immediately declared to be dead. When a person who says he is a Christian does not require the breath of faith you can be sure he is as dead as a door nail. This talk of being a Christian without adequate prayer which begets light, example and blessing, cannot any longer pass unchallenged.

“For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ” (II Cor. 2:15). We are a sweet savour before God. If we are sweet savour before God, then there should be something very attractive about us. We are losing out in that quality of being spiritually attractive. Why be repulsive? Why be loathsome? Why be a contradiction as we show one thing outside but are something else inside. Why give a false signal around us? These things are inexplicable. You cannot cause true Christianity to live with these contradictions.

I believe there should be repentance in us preachers first. I always maintain if the preacher is right the people are right. If there is a prophetic word from the Lord then sin will be unmasked. The sources of darkness will be quickly identified and dealt with. But when a preacher is without prayer and when there is no prophetic light then you know you can have a very deathly and dark situation. I believe that that is our present condition around the globe.

 We are actually destroying the world through the lack of revival, lack of power in prayer, and lack of credibility in the pulpit. Why should we say we are Christians if our light does not so shine that men will see our good works and glorify our heavenly Father?

Light is seen, light illuminates, light enlightens the dark corners. People want light around them. Are we a source of light? Are we able to pray till there is light? Are we creating light? Are we emanating light? Are we illuminating every dark corner? Oh, it is so sad that even in Christian work people love comfort, ease and to have a little niche for themselves. And as they enlarge that niche and grow in self-satisfaction and in other comforts, they feel they have arrived. What a curse to be those that get easily satisfied with one’s own comfort! What a curse! Are we called to seek and design our own comfort? Oh, to be a source of light in this dark world! Oh, to be an example to others! Oh, to be an inspiration to those who are crying to be inspired!

Now, dear readers. I cannot come to terms with an apathetic, dull, stodgy lifeless kind of presentation. We have got to lay hold of Christ. We have to repent of all these sources of darkness which we have permitted to permeate us. We have got to be faithful to God.

-Joshua Daniel

“A Glimpse of Heaven”

I had a vision once which made me take my Christian life far more seriously than I had ever done before.

In this vision, I saw myself as one who was active in Christian activities. I went to Christian meetings, taught in the Sunday School, and now and then visited the sick. In all these things I was quite sincere and had no idea of playing the hypocrite. In fact, I considered myself to be quite a shining light.

Without any warning, I became terribly sick one day, and was brought to the brink of death. But since I was a born-again Christian, I knew that I could rely on the mercy of my Saviour. Then I lost consciousness, and all of a sudden, found myself in heaven. It was wonderful to see the saints of God there.

At first I was swallowed up with great joy with the thought that I was safe and free from sin- and I was. But then I began to feel lonely and a little sad. I somehow felt unfit to mingle with these glorious saints.

My thoughts went back to my past life and it unfolded before me like a movie-film. But across it all was written the one word “Forgiven”. “Oh, praise God,” I thought, “there is no record of my sins.”

But further glance at the record of my life troubled me. The record showed my thoughts, feelings, actions etc. It showed how and for what I had used the time, talents and money which God had entrusted me with, during my life on earth.

Now I saw the world as God saw it- reeking with lust, adultery, hatred, witchcraft, war, lying, gossiping, rebellion, greed, pride, hypocrisy etc. I could now see the millions blinded by sin, staggering and falling into the pit of hell. No one seemed to care for them. I also heard the screams of agony of those caught in the web of sin. But no one seemed interested in helping them.

I had been too busy (during my earthly life), having fun- even religious fun. As I now saw myself and my way of life as God had seen it, I became sick with the realisation that I had lived selfishly.

“If only I could get back my wasted life," I thought. But that could never be possible. My opportunities on earth were now past. “Oh God”, I thought, “I would give anything to have lived my life to its fullest for Christ”.

Suddenly one of the glorious saints came to me. He said he had come to hear me tell of the victories I had won and of the souls I had had the privilege of pointing to Christ. What could I say? All I could remember was my life of ease and comfort. My life had been filled with seeking to please myself. He asked me concerning his son. His son had been full of rebellion and he had lived near me. “Did you speak to him of Christ? Is there some hope of his being saved?” he asked.

My heart sank within me as I heard his question. What could I reply? I had known the boy and his problems. But not wanting to get involved in his difficulties. I had ignored him. The boy's father must have guessed the truth when he saw me silent. He looked at me with a look of disappointment for himself and pity for me, and then slowly turned and went away.

And then I saw another glorious person. This was a widow who had struggled through great difficulties on earth, and had led all her children to Christ except her youngest girl. She told me that her youngest daughter had been led astray by the empty glamour of the world. “If someone had shown her Christ's love perhaps she might have opened her eyes,” she said, “You knew her. Did you take time to talk to her?” Again I was silent. I bent my head down as I could no longer bear to see her looking intently at me for an answer.

As I was deep in thought, another form appeared before me. This was the glorified form of one who had been a black man on earth. He introduced himself and asked me concerning the Christian group with whom he had laboured and of his companions whom he had left behind- many of whom I knew. “Did you try to help them?” he asked, “Was your life an example to them? Please tell me, did you make some attempt to lead them to salvation?”

I knew his group. But I had never given them any encouragement or help. I had reasoned that they did not belong to my group, they did not hold my convictions, and they were quite different from me in many respects. But now in the clear light of heaven, I could see that I had been full of spiritual pride. “Oh God,” I thought, “Is this heaven? Will the selfishness of my past life haunt me throughout eternity? Lord, I feel so wretched and unworthy. If only I could live my life over again.”

             I felt nothing but anguish and wondered if I would find any comfort at all in heaven. I had wasted my life in useless ambitions and trifling pleasures- when it might have been filled with sowing deeds that would have produced a never-ending harvest of heavenly fruit.

Then I saw a marvellous sight. Thousands of God's faithful servants through the ages were passing by me. They looked like gods and I would have given anything to possess their joy and beauty. And then I saw Jesus, the King of kings Himself. What a look of love and admiration He gave those faithful servants of His, as though He was saying. "Well done, My faithful brothers". Oh, that look of Jesus! I felt it would be worth dying a hundred deaths to get one such loving look of recognition from Him.

Then He turned and look at me- in pity- and said, “You will find yourself very little in harmony with these who laid down their lives to bring honour to Me”.

“Oh God! Oh God!”, I cried, “Hide my shame. If only I had valued the opportunities that You had given me to serve You. Why did I chase after such hollow ambitions and comforts? Lord, help me!”

Mercifully, it was only a vision. I awoke to find that I was still on earth. I still had opportunity to live my life completely for Him Who had given up everything for me.

-William Booth

“Reality Check”

“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12


“Spiritual Stability”


“And he wept aloud; and the Egyptians and the house of Pharaoh heard.” Genesis 45:2


Joseph’s faith in God was rewarded a hundred-fold. As a young man, he kept himself holy, and honoured his father and loved his brethren. God gave him a divine nature, which out­ward circumstances could not shake.

In many ways Joseph represented Christ. When a stable spiritual life is reached, all one’s economic and spiritual needs are looked after. Such people do rise in society as important men. “And ye shall tell my father of all my glory in Egypt.” (vs. 13). It was a glory, which could be seen and felt. When John the Baptist’s disciples came to ask Jesus if He were the Christ, He performed many miracles and told them, “Go and tell him what you have seen.”  It was a glory that could be seen and felt.

True children of God are not afraid of false criticisms. Practical religion is a very beautiful thing. The ten sons of Jacob who inherited the old nature of Jacob had no sense of security. They hid the sin of murder in their heart and thereby poisoned their whole nature. It is good to confess your sins before the sun sets that day. These men hid their sin for many years. Now when Joseph’s identity was revealed they could not rejoice that their bro­ther was alive. They were deeply distur­bed.

But Joseph was so different. He kissed them all in forgiveness and bro­therly love. It was a divine love. The envy of these brothers ruined the happiness of their home. A  home be­comes more and more beautiful as love increases. Joseph had love and only love. He was cast out and sold and was the victim of his brothers’ vengeance. But his nature of love was not chan­ged. A man who has love emotions under all circumstances is a happy and a healthy man.

“Be ye there­fore followers of God, as dear children; and walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savour.” (Eph. 5:1 & 2). You want to walk in love. But love cannot come from a heart that has sin and faith cannot come from a conscience that is stained. God wants to support and strengthen your spiritual life. He sometimes works through your spirit, by inward communion. Your prayer must reach to a stage where you will have constant communion with God. Sometimes, God works through the mind as you study the Word. The lives of saints equip your mind with good knowledge. You must have the Word of God in the heart. You cannot put the Word of God in the subconsci­ous mind unless you get to God in prayer.

 Joseph could not hate anyone whatever they attempt­ed to do against him. David was not inclined to slay Saul even when he was in his hands. He would not take ven­geance. Joseph fell on the necks of his brethren and wept. He interpreted their wicked actions as if they were God’s actions.

A Christian finds no cause to enter­tain hatred because he sees that God has brought him to those circumstances. God turned a place of wickedness into a place of spiritual stability for Joseph. You must love one another and pray for one another. You must have a charac­ter that will convert a prison cell into a place of glory. Secure your lives in Jesus Christ. Build up your faith, and let there be a new nature in you. Do not aspire for leadership. Without the highest Christian virtues you cannot maintain your spiritual life in a place of responsibility. Joseph be­came the leader of a nation and of his father’s family. You need to have a stable Christian character as you grow in Christ. 


-Late Mr. N. Daniel

The Salt of Humility”

Before honour is humility.” Proverbs 15:33


Humiliation of souls always brings a positive blessing with it. If we empty our hearts of self, God will fill them with His love. Stoop if you would climb to heaven. You must grow downward that you may grow upward; for the sweetest fellowship with heaven is to be had by humble souls, and by them alone.

God will deny no blessing to a thoroughly humbled spirit. “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven,” with all its riches and treasures.

God blesses us all up to the full measure and extremity of what is safer for you to have one. If our heavenly Father were to let your unhumbled spirit win a victory in His holy war, you would pilfer the crown for yourself and meeting with a fresh enemy, you would fall a victim, so that you are kept low for your own safety.

When a man is sincerely humble and never ventures to touch so much as a grain of praise, there is scarcely any limit to what God will do for him.

Humility makes us ready to be blessed by the God of all grace and fits us to deal efficiently with our fellowmen. True humility is a flower that will adorn any garden. Whether it is prayer or praise, whether it is work or suffering, the genuine salt of humility cannot be used in excess.


-C.H. Spurgeon


A Student Missionary-

The Early Years of Jonathan Goforth


     How complete was that yielding of Jonathan Goforth can be seen by his after life, and also from the following dictated to a daughter on his seventy-fifth birthday:

     “My conversion at eighteen was simple but so complete that ever onward I could say with Paul, ‘I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I but Christ liveth in me;…’ (Galatians 2:20).  Henceforth my life belonged to Him who had given His life for me.”

     At the next Communion, Jonathan joined the church and at once began to seek avenues of service for his newfound Master.  He was given a Sunday school class but this did not satisfy him.  He sent off for tracts and became an object of wonder to the staid old elders, something akin to bewilderment to others, and amusement to the young, as he stood Sunday after Sunday at the church door giving to each one a tract!  Very soon he started a Sunday evening service in the old schoolhouse a mile or more from his home…

     We give in his own words two incidents of this time:

     “At the time of my conversion I was living with my brother Will.  Our parents came on a visit, and stayed a month or so.  For some time I felt the Lord would have me lead family worship.  So one night I said, ‘We will have worship tonight, so please don’t scatter after supper.’  I was afraid of what my father would say for we had not been accustomed to saying ‘grace’ before meals much less having family worship.

     “I read a chapter in Isaiah and after a few comments we all knelt in prayer.  Much to my relief, father never said a word.  Family worship continued as long as I was home.  Some months later my father took a stand for Jesus Christ.” 

     The following occurred while he was attending high school in Ingersoll, twelve miles from the home farm:

     “My teacher was an ardent follower of Tom Paine.  He persuaded all the boys in our class to his way of thinking.  The jeers and arguments of my classmates proved too much for me.  Suddenly all the foundations slipped.  I was confounded!  Instead of going to my minister or any other human aid, I felt constrained to take the Word of God alone as my guide.  Night and day for a considerable period of time, I did little else than search the Scriptures until, finally, I was so solidly grounded I have never had a shadow of a doubt since.  All my classmates, as well as our teacher, were brought back from infidelity, the teacher becoming one of my lifelong friends.”

     Thus the Lord began to use him from the time of his conversion. But for one year he still retained his ambition of becoming a lawyer and a good politician, believing he could serve the Lord thus.  His Master, however, had other plans for this servant of His.


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