“Where Art Thou?”                                                 LATE MR. N. DANIEL


Genesis 3:9

“And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, where art thou?”


Where art thou? That's the question of God in the world of His creation. Today God is asking us that question. Adam tried to answer it in an evasive way. God wants straight answers from us. Oh, nominal Christian, where art thou? Your answer is going to mean damnation or salvation. Are you proceeding in the right direction or in the wrong? Christianity is the most scientific religion. It is a science of necessary consequences. History cannot be a science; it is not a subject of necessary consequences as science is. Christ was so very definite in His expression. He was so dynamic in His speeches. They are not easy to understand.   When you are in the last year of school, you do not understand higher Mathematics.


You cannot walk in two paths at the same time. You cannot have two minds and two different answers to a straight question like this. Some Christians dilly dally with Christ. They miss the way and finally blame God. James 1:8 “A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways”. A friend asked me a serious  question :“Bro. Daniel, is your eye single?" Ah! I examined myself carefully- if I had in any way come to serve God with a double motive. How many precious souls are ruined by not being single-eyed! My heart is bleeding for them. Where art thou today? What is your decision? Which direction are you going? Is it positive? If you always think in positive terms- that is faith. Jesus Christ was never double-minded. He is always single-eyed. 'Lazarus come out'- that is positive. Talithacumi- that is positive! 'I will abide in your house today!'-everything here is positive. If you really mean business with God, God will mean business with you. Can you put your whole trust in Him? Then you will see the glory of God.


My great longing is that we should be like the first century Christians. We must prove to India that Christ is God. How can we do that, if we are a double-minded people? Dear men, what Christ will give us, is a single eye. He will teach you and lead you to God. When I was first converted God taught me and directed me. How well He led me! When I obeyed Him, I found success all around. Not even a  stone would strike against my foot without God's will. Once when I was going to a certain place a stone struck my foot. I asked the Lord the reason. He said, "Turn back." There was another road which parted from this road which I had taken and I went along that road. Then I came by a hospital where I was told that a certain friend of mine was very sick there. I went to him and prayed for him and God healed him. See the dealings of the Lord! Four thousand years ago when Abraham talked with Him and walked with him, God was so concerned about him to commune with him about everything that concerned him. Do mean business with God. Young man, do mean business! Unless your heart is after the world and the pleasures of the world, the path of Christ is not difficult.


   In those days when I was a student at college, one of my teachers fell ill and I was asked to take his Scripture class. I took class for one week and a Hindu boy was converted. The whole college rose up against me and against that boy. That boy wanted to become a Christian and he used to come and pray with me. But those people got the boy transferred to another college and I lost touch with him.   Last year when I went to Kammamet a man of over fifty came and said 'I recognised your voice and saw your name on the handbill. I have come to hear the gospel.' He was that student of long ago.


Are you entirely on Christ's side? When I was studying at Trichy, my mother fell and broke her ribs. My home was on the Godavari delta. There was no hope of her recovery because she had to be taken by boat over the river to reach a hospital and moving her ever so slightly caused excruciating pain. But I whole-heartedly looked to Christ and said, "From the Cross you said, 'Take care of my mother' Now my mother is suffering. Please undertake for my mother." I simply cried out with all my heart. I heard later that there was a sound of bone touching bone and she just got up and began to walk. Overnight God had united those bones!


Where are you? Are you single-eyed? Will you be His, out and out? So many families are miserable. You have the privilege of college education. You can be used of God to help them. But where are you today? In what direction are you moving, Christian boy? Go along the way of life which Christ will show you. I tell you, you will be happy, you will be a cistern of water for thirsty people to drink from. People will see that. Are you willing?  Which direction are you taking? Follow Christ and allow Him to be your master. Are you going in the positive direction of love, faith, holiness, humility and righteousness? Then you will not fail. I wanted to follow Him and choose the life of a Sadhu. But God told me many things that were in His plan and warned me of things not in His plan and I did just what He said. I once happened to stumble into the path of riches. I thought perhaps God wanted me to be a wealthy and God-fearing servant of God. God said, 'No' God said, "Marry the girl I show you." I simply obeyed. By His grace these twenty-six years have been years of victorious life in the family-sector. It is Christ who is the way.


This type of victory is glory to Christ and glory to His teachings. It is glory to be  with Him sharing in His divine nature. Are you traveling in some other direction? What the Bible says is true. Prov. 8:35  "Whoso findeth me findeth life." Jesus says, 'I am the way, the truth and the life.' The resurrection of Christ is the main formula of Christianity. You cannot bury Christ's life. It will just rise again. Prov. 8:36. "All they that hate me love death." Judas was all along with Jesus but got into death when he began to hate Jesus. Oh, dear young man! don't make this mistake. James 4:8.   You may make  a decision in your conscious mind. But your sub-conscious mind asserts itself and determines the course of your life. Don't just take a fancy to impossible things. People don't understand the unique psychology of Christianity. People who confess their sins and get right with God become like Peter and John. Let us save India! Let us save India! The Christian church needs you. Don't think you are only a girl. Don't think you are a weakling. God will use you. Only don't be double-minded. The modern discoveries of psychology are but small things in the sight of God and only bits of the complete exposition in the Scriptures. All the doctrines and teachings of Christianity put together are in Christ. We Christians who are born in Christian families, what are we going to achieve for Christ? What will be your testimony and your achievements? Christ will never let you down. Yes, Christ is still the same. He will never let you down. God never took away my parents without telling me. I told my wife about the Lord Jesus and she learned of Him at His feet. You learn to be with Christ with a single mind and single heart. Christ asks you today. 'Where art thou?' Oh! be with Christ and you will be a conqueror. Nothing but conquests you will have.