Let us remember the Promises of God to the Fellowship
and claim them.

1. Isaiah 60:22. A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the LORD will hasten it in his time.

2. Isaiah 44:3. For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring:

3. Isaiah 59:21. As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed’s seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth and for ever.

4. Isaiah 45:3. And I  will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.

5.  Isa 62:6-7. I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence, and give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth. 

6. Acts 18:10. For I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this city.

7. Isaiah 54:17. No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.

8. Jeremiah 42:10. If ye will still abide in this land, then will I build you, and not pull you down, and I will plant you, and not pluck you up: for I repent me of the evil that I have done unto you.




I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.  John 10:11 

We praise God, the Good Shepherd, the Lord Jesus has been so merciful and faithful to us through the last year of ministry.  He is the author and builder of this work and we owe Him everything. He is the One who gave great promises to Mr. Daniel at the start of the ministry and has been fulfilling His promises, as we labour on the same foundation, with faith, vision and sacrifice. In His mercy and goodness, God is granting revival visitations and the outpourings of His Spirit in our midst even today. Yes, He pours water upon those who are thirsty and floods upon the dry grounds.

It is amazing to see that while COVID-19 had its deadly effect around the globe, the Good Shepherd carried us in His arms through this dark period and helped us to see great advances in the work of God on all fronts.  Much prayer went up fervently in our centres, as more and more people joined us online and prayed earnestly looking to the Lord.   God in His infinite wisdom called Home some of our brothers and sisters, while touching and healing many others from the debilitating effects of the corona virus.  Jesus says, “My sheep hear my voice.” We must continually ensure that our hearts are tuned to hear His still small voice and be led by His Spirit and not be deflected by the noise of strange voices around us.   What a great heritage of faith we are blessed with! Now it is our turn to build upon this foundation with faith, sacrifice and prayer and reach the unreached with the gospel.

Jesus says, “The Good Shepherd gives His life for the sheep.”  We must examine our hearts and cleanse ourselves from all our selfishness, worldliness, vanity and pride. Let us cry to the Lord of the harvest to raise up many with a burden to win souls and to live for eternity.

God will hold each one of us accountable at the end of our days and will ask us, “So what did you do for me in your life on earth?” The Bible says, “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required” (Luke 12:48). God has given us much light from His word in the Fellowship and God will surely hold us accountable. The harvest is ripe at this dark time of history. Let us be faithful to the Lord. 


TV Programme in Venezuela, South America

After much prayer, the Lord opened the door to start our first Spanish TV programme which is taking the Word of God into Venezuela.   After facing many hindrances for some years, the Lord opened a slot in one of the local TV stations and our messages are on air from January 2022 reaching the people in the state of Anzoáteguin. There is a good response to the message as people call our WhatsApp numbers and request prayer for their various needs. One viewer was so happy that we are praying for Venezuela. Two brothers wrote to us saying that the messages are very edifying and the Daniel 5 songs are a great blessing. The Spanish interpreter says that his family has been greatly blessed by our TV programmes. Let us pray much for this country that the Lord should help us to reach many with the gospel at this time of great need. 

Outreach Ministry in North India

We praise God that the Word of God could go out into remote areas in Jharkhand and several areas of Bihar, near the Nepal border. A small team of brothers from Ranchi, Patna and Gangtok have been taking the gospel into these remote areas and villages.  Our brothers travelled through forests and crossed rivers on their bikes and stopped at several villages to share the Gospel.  Many places could only be reached by foot in the remote villages in the jungles of Jharkhand, where there are no proper roads. We praise God that His Word could be given to the simple and poor people in these remote regions. We must pray much for these precious souls that the seed of the Word of God sown in their hearts must grow up to bear much fruit.

Sundarbans, West Bengal

During his visits to Kolkata, Bro. Joe was greatly burdened to reach and share the Gospel with the poor and needy people living in the marshy lands of Sundarbans. Our team has been visiting this place from time to time giving the Gospel through our medical camps. Seeing the great need here, the Lord enabled us to put up a simple prayer hall and one of our trained young men, Bro. Israel, is labouring here with his wife. This is a very hard place and we need to pray much to break through the darkness here.

Recently the Lord helped us to conduct two children’s camps in the local Bengali language and many needy children and a few parents were also present. Our team continues to visit and serve the people. Let us pray much for the people of Sundarbans, that the Lord will transform their lives.

Port Blair, Andaman Islands

Every Sunday in Port Blair, the capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, needy souls are hearing God’s word. The Lord helped us to have special meetings here in April. People with diverse problems of demon oppression came to the meetings and listened to the Word of God very attentively. During the prayer sessions there was an earnest cry by the people for the Lord’s touch on their lives. We pray that the Lord will touch many people to break free from their heathen bondage into the liberating freedom of the Cross as we lift up Jesus, the Saviour of the world.

Reaching the Myanmar Refugees

Mizoram shares a 500-kilometre border with Myanmar (Burma), and because of the civil war in Myanmar, thousands of Burmese refugees have started coming into Mizoram. The Lord burdened our team in Aizawl, the capital of Mizoram, to reach out to these needy people. When they arranged a one-day retreat for them on April 2, about 80 of these refugees gathered to hear God’s Word. In the long season of prayer after the message, people cried to God for His touch. Many were found to be spiritually hungry and longing for more of God’s Word.  On Easter Sunday evening, a special Easter Service was held for these needy people to give them the Gospel. There is much physical and spiritual need among these refugees and much prayer must go up for them.

‘Beautiful Books’ in Gurdaspur, Punjab

Gurdaspur is just 10 km from the international border between India and Pakistan. Bro. Joe had a great burden for this part of India and conducted revival meetings in Gurdaspur and prayed for our own centre here. Bro. John Daniel took up that burden and a prayer hall was built here in 2020. During the first revival meetings in the prayer hall, we found that there was no more space to contain the people and hence a gallery had to be added. The Lord has been touching many people from demonic oppression, terminal illnesses and setting free from the bondages of sin through our ministry here.

The Lord enabled us this year to put up a bookshop “Beautiful Books” strategically located on the highway to Pakistan. Bro. John Daniel came over to  dedicate this bookstall and addressed a meeting in March. We must pray that our bookstall must serve as a beacon of hope for countless Punjabis and Pakistanis. Efforts are afoot to translate many of our precious books into Urdu and Punjabi in addition to the many Bibles which go out.

Chandigarh, Punjab

The work of the Lord has been going forward in Chandigarh, the joint-capital of Punjab and Haryana. In March, the Lord enabled us to have meetings in this place utilizing a partially-completed prayer hall, with shamianas overhead.

The prayer hall was full with about 250 people in attendance at the meetings, with many from nearby villages, who came with great expectation and hunger. God used Bro. John Daniel mightily on all the four days. Many poured out their hearts before God at the prayer sessions. We pray that the Word of God sown in the hearts of people may bring forth much fruit and that God will raise up people who will take God’s word to all the surrounding regions of  North India and the neighbouring countries.


Villivakkam, Chennai

In Villivakkam, which is about 12 km from Beulah Gardens, our regular Sunday evening worship services and mid-week and Saturday prayer meetings have been taking place on a small shed on government land.

Recently the Lord enabled us to put up a prayer hall here in a compound which can hold about 500 people. The Lord helped Bro. John Daniel to come and dedicate this hall on March 21 with the preaching of the Word of God. The hall was full and many had to sit outside the hall and stand on the street. One of our trained brothers has been posted here now to labour in this place. We must pray that God’s name must be glorified in this part of the city through the preaching of God’s Word.

New Hall in Periya Colony, Near Beulah Gardens

Periya colony is a village just about one kilometre from Beulah Gardens. Upon seeing the people resist the gospel in this village, which is situated so close to Beulah Gardens, we prayed much for this place. Now the Lord opened the way for a small prayer hall to be put up right in their midst to gather the local heathen people and give them God’s Word.   Bro. John came over and dedicated the new prayer hall on 21st March and preached the Word of God to the people gathered on that occasion.

Now Sunday worship and prayer meetings are taking place and new people are coming and listening to God’s Word. One of our brothers from Beulah Gardens has been posted here to take care of the work.  We praise God that the Gospel is going out and that God is touching and raising up people from this village to build the Kingdom of God.

New Building for Our School in Velliankadu

Our school in Velliankadu, near Coimbatore, is one of our old schools which has been serving the poor people here at the foothills of the Nilgiris mountains. Many of the parents of the school children come to our meetings to hear God’s Word and the ministry has been going forward in this needy place. Recently the Lord helped us to build new class rooms to accommodate the children as we look to see God’s Word written on their hearts.

Special Bible Classes at BG

The Lord burdened Bro. John to come and conduct special Bible classes and have seasons of prayer with the Bible students and trainees in Beulah Gardens. In spite of the travel restrictions, he managed to come to Beulah Gardens in October. The theme of the Bible class was, “Digging Deep”, with lessons from the life of Moses. There were about 180 present who eagerly took notes and drank in the Word.  The emphasis was on total sanctification and total transformation and victory over the old evil heathen nature, which is possible only at the foot of the Cross.  It was a time of deep heart-searching and cleansing in the light of God’s Word and thus the classes proved to be a great blessing to the trainees and Bible students.



Summer Retreat in Sebring, Ohio, US

The Lord enabled us to move forward in faith and have the Summer Retreat for five days in spite of all the disturbances and fear around us due to Covid.  God gave us quiet from the empty noise of the world, to focus on His Word and prayer. Many went out into the grounds to pray and take hold of the Lord after the messages. Let us pray much that God will touch and transform people from their own nature and grant His lasting blessing. 

US Thanksgiving Retreat

In spite of the Covid outbreaks all around, resulting in the loss of lives, the dear Lord helped us to hold the Thanksgiving Retreat in November. Many sincere souls came to hear God’s Word, some driving over 12 hours to be there. The Lord granted His presence and the Lord’s name was lifted up in the midst. 

US Easter Retreat

The Lord blessed the Easter Retreat and granted us His Word and searched the hearts of all who attended from various parts of the nation. The times of prayer were blessed of God as we called on the Lord for the need of one’s heart.   A local pastor, who was in attendance from a neighbouring church, was much encouraged. Let us pray much for the nation that the Lord will grant repentance and a turning back to God.

Guyana, South America

The Lord paved the way to have the meetings in Georgetown most miraculously in November in spite of all the Covid restrictions. The first meeting was held across the Demerara river at a place called Goed Fortuin. The team had to travel on a phantom floating bridge spanning about one mile across the river to reach the community where the meeting was held at the home of a family who come regularly to hear God’s Word. Many of the local people from the neighbourhood attended the meeting.

The revival meetings were held at the prayer hall in Georgetown where the Lord brought new people and families to hear God’s Word. As many churches were closed, we praise God that His Word could go out and that many in the neighbourhood could hear God’s Word. The Lord touched a Muslim young man as he repented and turned to the Lord.  We are praying for his whole famiy. Let us pray that God will raise up many who will overcome the local tempations and customs to live by the standards of God’s Word.

Melbourne, Australia

With Melbourne becoming the most locked-down city on its sixth lockdown, we had to once again have our October Retreat online. By God’s grace, we had a total number of 60 people joining us from various places in Australia and one sister also joined from New Zealand. Bro Rodney, Captain David Day, an Ex-Salvation Army Officer, and Bro. Sydney shared the Word. There were a few challenging testimonies also. Many shared their needs and requests in prayer for themselves.   Let us pray much for the work of the Lord here.



Online Students’ Camp

Due to the new Covid restrictions and lockdowns in Tamil Nadu and other states across India, we had to move the students’ camp to an online format, as many were not able to travel and attend the retreat. Although we would have loved to have everyone at Beulah Gardens, we praise God that God used this situation to get the Word of God out to a far larger audience of people around the country and the world through this camp in January.

In many of our centres our young people gathered in the prayer halls on all four days and watched the retreat on the screen and were greatly blessed. In fact, they were able to join in the discussion group sessions also and the young people earnestly heard the Word of God. We praise God for the hunger and thirst for God’s Word. Let us continue to pray for these precious young people that each one will live for eternity.

Youth Camp in Imphal, Manipur

 We praise God that the dear Lord helped us to conduct the Youth Camp in Imphal in June, after a gap of two years due to the imposed restrictions for Covid.  It was so amazing to see the hall and the galleries packed with thirsty young people, eagerly listening to the Word of God. We had about 750 residing in the camp and a few hundred joined us as day visitors. On the last day morning, i.e., on Sunday, we had to squeeze in about 1500 inside the hall.

The Lord granted His presence and the Spirit of God began to work in their hearts of the youngsters as they listened to the messages and testimonies. The Lord delivered some of the young people from demon-possession and also the bondage of drug addiction after our brothers prayed for them. The fasting prayer time was a time of great blessing as many cried to God confessing their sins. Let us continue to pray for these precious young people that they must rise up as powerful witnesses for the Lord and as missionaries to take the Gospel to many unreached places.

Karimganj, Assam

With a burden and prayer to see young people deeply touched, youth meetings were arranged for two days in November in Karimganj in Assam. Around 100 people gathered and heard God’s Word. A local team of our brothers from Itanagar and Shillong laboured at these meetings.

Some fanatics in this area tried to stop the meetings with their threats. But the Lord did not allow them to hinder the meetings in any way, as the team prayed and went forward by faith.  We must pray for these precious young people that they may rise up as true and effective witnesses for the Lord.

Dimapur, Nagaland

A three-day online youth retreat was held in Dimapur, Nagaland, in September, and it was a great blessing to all who participated.  The theme of this retreat was “Facing the Giants.” People from the north-east region of Nagaland, Assam and Mizoram could join us in this Retreat and we had around 80 participants on zoom each day. The Word of God was preached powerfully during these three days along with testimonies and skits to reach the young people.

 One-Day Retreat at HQ

It was God’s mercy and goodness that we could conduct a One-day Retreat for our young people on November13, at the Headquarters Hall, Chennai, in spite of the heavy rains and flooded streets. The Lord answered our prayers and gave us a clear sky on the day of the retreat. Around 220 young people were in attendance and they drank in the Word with much hunger. Let us pray much for these precious young people to rise up as mighty witnesses for God.

Children’s Retreats

As the coronavirus restrictions continued in Tamil Nadu hindering in-person gathering in church buildings during the weekends, our team in Salem conducted the Children’s Retreat online from Sept. 8 to 12. The Word of God was a great blessing to numerous children, young people and also older people who watched the proceedings on Zoom.

In Mumbai, when the Lord opened the churches for in-person gathering after a long gap, there was great eagerness in many families and children to hear the Word of God at the Children’s Retreat in November. The prayer sessions were blessed and owned of God. The preaching of the Ten Commandments opened the eyes of many to see their needy state before the Lord. There was the spirit of repentance and prayer in the camp.

Children’s camps and Vacation Bible Schools (VBS) were conducted in several of our centres to teach and educate the growing children of the Fellowship in the things of God to become God-fearing and God-conscious children and to have eternal values.


Anantnag, Kashmir

The Lord helped us to have two days of revival meetings in Anantnag in the auditorium of the nursing school in August. As the hall could not hold the whole group, many had to be accommodated in the second room with a relay screen. On the second day, the number swelled to 300 and people sat outside the rooms and corridors and heard God’s word. Many of them were from Punjab, Rajasthan, in addition to the local Kashmiris. Many were touched and the Lord was glorified at the meetings. Let us pray much for the ministry in Anantnag.

In Gujarat

Jamnagar, Gujarat, is called the oil city of India due to the crude oil and petrochemical refineries in the area. By the grace of God, we had two days of special meetings in Jamnagar in August and the Lord blessed the meetings as many hungry people heard God’s Word. During the prayer sessions, many prayed earnestly crying to God for mercy and forgiveness.

At the revival meetings in Ahmedabad, the Word of God searched the hearts. Every session was blessed of God. As the spirit of repentance was poured out, many cried to God during the prayer sessions with tears. Many came from distant places like Surat, Mumbai, Baroda, Jamnagar, Jodhpur. One TV viewer, a pastor from Umarpada, 240 km away, made the long journey along with four others to come and sit in God’s presence. The messages going through television week after week is touching souls and proving to be a great blessing to many.

Many people gathered with much expectation and hunger for God’s word in Baroda on August 30. The Lord used our brothers and it was a time of great blessing. 

Pune, Maharashtra

The city of Pune and the state of Maharashtra were very severely affected by Covid 19. After nearly one and a half years of continual shut-down, the dear Lord opened the doors for revival meetings in our centre. With much burden and expectation, our brothers and sisters prayed earnestly for God’s visitation at the meetings. The Lord used our brothers and as the messages spoke to the hearts of people, they poured out their hearts during the prayer sessions. Many people from the district of  Ahmednagar and several others  from Makthapur joined us online through Zoom and were blessed.

Ludhiana, Punjab

We Praise God for the special meeting at Ludhiana on March 18. Bro. John Daniel addressed the meeting and said, “If the Punjabis are won to the Lord, they can be like Sadhu Sundar Singh to spread the gospel to many new places.” There were many needy and hungry souls who heard the Word of God. A few African students and some Hindus were also present. We must pray that the Lord will mend broken homes as people come and hear God’s Word.

Daporijo, Arunachal Pradesh

We had three days of revival meetings in Daporijo, Arunachal Pradesh, from March 10 to 12, which was a blessing to many souls. God brought people from different denominations and some of them were convicted by the Spirit of God, as it was an eye-opener to them to hear straight-forward messages. We had a good counselling and prayer time both in the morning and evening.  Let us pray for the deep touch of the Lord.

Aizawl, Mizoram

At the two-day retreat in our Aizawl centre on April 15 and 16, many non-Christian students and professors heard the Word. On Easter Sunday morning, the Lord blessed the special meeting for the veterinary college students and the Easter Worship Service for  Assam Rifles. The Lord granted His Word, as many army people, along with their Commanding officers, filled the hall and listened very attentively. Let us continue to pray for our team in Aizawl and for these needy people, that they will be touched by the Lord.



We praise God that the Lord enabled us to have the big campaigns in Andhra Pradesh in March this year.  It is amazing that Bro. John Daniel could come and preach in these places and the Word of God went forth with power.

At Stuartpuram, there was a quite sizeable crowd from the first day. More and more people poured in and the large crowd sat uninterrupted and heard God’s Word. The Lord used many of our dear brethren and the Word of God went out with much power.

It once again reminds us of the Lord’s faithfulness in what He is doing in Stuartpuram each year and how He has turned this small village into a gospel village. Please continue to pray for all those who heard God’s Word that their lives must be truly transformed for the glory of God and become true and faithful witnesses.


It is only a miracle that the meetings could take place like the pre-Covid days with a full-fledged programme from March 13 to 15. The crowd peaked on the third day to almost to the full capacity of the hall and grounds. By God’s grace, there was no disturbance whatsoever from the surroundings. Many new people were seen from outside of Vijayawada. The Lord’s blessing was upon the three-days meetings. The morning 7 am youth meeting also saw a large number of young people. The messages went out in power and the testimonies and Bible classes on the four conditions of the heart from the Sower’s Parable were a great blessing to the people.


Even though we could not advertise or publicize much as we always do, due to Covid, we were amazed to see the large crowds which overflowed our large hall into the streets where a large screen was put up. Many heard the Word of God with great hunger. As the Spirit of God moved upon the people during the meetings, nearly for one hour, people were repenting, shedding tears after the messages. Let us pray for all those who heard God’s Word that many will be touched and transformed by the Lord.


After seven years we had revival meetings in Guntur on March 15 and 16. The Word of God went forth with power and authority and people heard it with much hunger and thirst, as the meeting lasted till 10.30 pm. During the prayer session, people lifted up their voices and cried unto the Lord. Thousands came to hear the Word of God and the whole compound was filled with people from all quarters of the city and surrounding villages. All those who came to hear the Word of God were kept by the Lord. Let us pray that the Lord will continue to work in the hearts of all those people who heard  God’s Word in the meetings.

In Several Other Places

In addition to these big campaigns where Bro. John Daniel preached, the Lord helped us to have revival meetings in several other places in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, which were greatly blessed of the Lord. God used many of our brethren mightily. In some places, as our halls could not contain the large crowds, we had to move the evening meetings to the open grounds as thousands of needy and hungry people came to hear God’s Word. The Bible classes on the parable of the Sower searched many hearts and the challenging testimonies were a great blessing.

The prayer sessions were a time of God’s visitation at these meetings as many cried aloud and prayed to God with tears of repentance. The Word of God went forth with power as the Lord granted His presence and used our dear brothers in each place in a mighty way. We must pray for a host of faithful witnesses to rise up from these labours who will glorify God through their lives.



By God’s grace, revival meetings took place in so many of our centres of Tamil Nadu. In every place, people flocked to the meetings with great hunger and expectation from near and far and filled up our halls which overflowed in many centres. In some of our centres, people from distant places were given free boarding and lodging. Our preachers and local workers were kept busy spending much time counselling people. As hundreds of people came under God’s Word, these meetings proved to be a great blessing to many.

Let us continue to pray for the Spirit of God to work and deliver people to become faithful followers of Jesus. May the Lord help us to reach perishing souls while it is yet day!


After the long Corona break of nearly three years, people started pouring into Beulah Gardens for the Annual Retreat of the Fellowship. The hall and  galleries were full from the beginning. The Lord used His servants, Bro. John Daniel and Bro. David Campbell and others mightily as people drank in the Word of God. The prayer sessions saw a mighty outpouring of God’s Spirit upon the crowds. People cried to God after the main messages, during the prayer sessions. In the evenings, people were found praying all over the campus—on the lawns around the prayer hall, under the trees and in the open grounds. The reports of our brothers about the progress and growth of the work of God during the Covid period thrilled our hearts. The testimonies were very challenging and the special songs from the Daniel 5 and from our group from North-East India and the Hindi songs from our group from North India were a blessing.

More than 9000 people registered and participated in the Retreat, with many additional people coming in for the evening services from the city. There were quite a few people from other countries and we praise God that more than five hundred people were baptised at the Retreat. The Lord answered our prayer and reduced the summer temperature by 10-15 degrees when compared to the rest of the nation. We pray that God’s Word will be written on people’s hearts and that the Saviour is glorified.

On the Literature Front

In spite of several restrictions and lockdowns, our publication team was kept on their toes to produce more and more books in various languages as the demands keep increasing. The spacious book warehouse in Beulah Gardens is getting filled with these beautiful books in many languages.

In English five new books were printed and published. Sister Lily selected these precious books and wrote the Foreword for ‘A Bunch of Everlasting’. The classic on prayer, “Power through Prayer” by E.M. Bounds and D.L. Moody’s “Secret Power” were reprinted. Several other books had to be reprinted.

Five of our booklets have been translated and printed in Gujarati and published during the meetings in Gujarat in August. More books are under translation for publication.

In Odia language, eight new books have been added to the list and now we have a total of 14 books in that language. More and more books are being translated now. 

Five new books have been printed in Telugu which were used in the book fairs and revival meetings in Andhra Pradesh. So many Telugu books had to be reprinted to meet the demands at the special meetings.

In Hindi, two new books have been added to the list of our Hindi publication. In Kannada, the much-awaited book ‘Another Daniel’ has been translated and published recently. In Bengali, Holy Ann has just come out of the press.  In Tamil, ‘Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret’ was published in May.

In Guyana, South America, the Lord is using the book tables set up at various locations to reach many people with God’s Word. Prior to the elections, the current President came by the book table. He promised that he would read the book presented to him on the conversion of Brother Joe.

Let us pray for our publication team who work hard to make available these precious books in many languages.

Book Fairs

It is the sheer mercy of God that after a gap of about two years, we could resume our book fairs. In Machilipatnam, Andhra Pradesh, the local team got out the word via TV, newspapers and street announcements and many hungry souls flocked to the fair every day in search of Bibles and good books.

The book fair in Guntur began the next day morning, with the local team of brothers and sisters stepping in to help. Our people visited the local churches and surrounding villages distributing handbills about the fair. Many thirsty people visited the fair. Other book shop owners also visited us to replenish their stocks. Looking at the need of the people, we extended the fair by another day. Please pray that as many Bibles and good Christian books have gone out, that God must touch and transform many lives.


We praise God that our telecasts are sounding out God’s Word covering a greater part of the subcontinent of India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Myanmar and other countries. The feedback is always very encouraging. One girl from Odisha in India, who contemplated suicide, happened to watch our Odia TV programme. As the Lord spoke to her, she repented and turned to God. We must cry to the Lord for His touch upon all our viewers. 

Our telecasts in the UK, Germany, Guyana, Jamaica and the satellite broadcast are well received with much hunger and expectation, and many lives are greatly stirred and blessed. Our TV programme “Lifting Guyana to Greatness” is well known all over Guyana. People are also hearing our radio messages on the weekly program, “The Lord’s Challenge.” There is a very good response to this programme.

The dear Lord continues to add His blessing upon our radio broadcasts that go out over 35 radio stations around Australia each week. Our radio broadcasts cover Papua  New Guinea and it reaches Southeast Asia too. Our TV and radio broadcast goes out into North-western Africa. Please pray for this unseen audience that the Spirit of God would awaken many to their need of a Saviour.

In addition to these radio broadcasts, the message of God’s love and power goes out via shortwave covering the US, Europe, China, and Africa. We must also pray for the 15 weekly AM/FM quarter-hour broadcasts reaching various cities in the United States.


We praise God for our doctors and nurses who serve the poor people through our Gospel clinics. Though it was very hard and difficult to run the clinics during the corona period, our medical work is going forward, serving the poor.

Our medical team at our hospital in Anantnag, Kashmir, showed great faith in the midst of severe testing and trials during the Covid period. The Lord strengthened them and kept them safe and caused the medical work to go forward against all odds. Let us pray much for them and ask the Lord to raise up more doctors and nurses to serve in our Gospel clinics.

Right from the year 2000, teams of our medical doctors and nurses are reaching the unreached people through free medical camps in and around Chennai. Due to the lockdowns and restrictions of Covid, they could not conduct these camps for about two years and by God’s grace they resumed the camps in January 2022.

Our first Camp was held in Dr. Jayasingh’s Gospel clinic in Royapuram, Chennai, on 22nd January 2022. There was no advertising as we too did not wish to have any crowding. Two of our doctors along with our nurses and volunteers could treat about 84 patients. Our second camp was held in a fishing village called Pakkam, in the periphery of Pulicat lake, near Chennai, in a primary school and about 150 patients came with their medical problems. Our brethren from Ponneri and Pulicat helped in this camp. Our third camp for this year was held in a village called Uppalam, 5 km from Ponneri, where our team served about 227 patients. Some of our brothers and sisters spend much time counselling and praying with the needy people. When a request was made by government authorities of the Tiruvallur district in Minjur block to help in a Health Mela and Health awareness programme, three of our doctors and a few nurses went to help in this camp.


We started our schools with the only purpose of making the light of the Gospel shine upon little children in their tender age and thus give them the right values in life. When these children receive the light, they introduce Jesus and His matchless love to their parents in their daily interaction with their families. We must see these precious students rising up as mighty witnesses for the Lord from our schools. So we measure our success with that yardstick and not by mere academic achievements. Due to Christian discipline and the fear of the Lord, we find that many parents want to send their children to the Fellowship schools to be in a safe environment.

However, we praise God for the good results in the Matriculation exam every year. Some of our schools have been producing 100% results every year at the 10th standard and Plus Two examinations. We praise God for the hard work of our dedicated teachers.

We are in need of teachers who will sacrifice and build great lives through prayer, exemplary conduct and excellent teaching.



Having experienced the sure mercies of God in our personal lives and in the ministry of the Fellowship, let us grow in faith and spread the light of the Gospel to the unreached people around us. Jesus wants us to be the ‘salt’ of the earth and the ‘light’ of the world. Let us get rid of all our selfishness, smugness and worldliness and lead a purposeful and fruitful life for eternity.

When we follow the Good Shepherd, He will lead us and help us to reach and win many more people to the Lord who are currently in great despair and without any hope.   May the dear Lord be lifted up so that many will turn to the Saviour of the world, the Lord Jesus!