God called my grandfather into full-time service, in 1935, when he was a Mathematics teacher ensconced pretty comfortably both financially and in terms of wielding an influence which appeared to touch and bless many. As he stepped out into a life of service and trusting God for all his needs and supplies, he had one inexhaustible bank-guarantee:"Jehovah-Jireh, The Lord Will Provide". Hence from the start-up of this work, no appeals were made for money. The work continues to be supported by unsolicited funds, which the Lord sends in, in answer to prayer.
Soon Revival broke out in several southern districts of India, where my grandfather and grandmother were invited to speak. Turbulent societies and churches where hatred and malice reigned were touched by the moving of God's mighty Hand and thousands were transformed. Peace and Love took the place of strive and court-cases. Widespread restitutions followed the strong Spirit of repentance toward God which fell upon men, and both significant sums, smaller amounts of money and things, were returned to people who had been defrauded, years earlier. The governments too began to receive large amounts of money which had been withheld in the past.
Today this manifestation of God's power still continues in many areas and is spreading around the world.
Now internationally, wherever people really desire a change and are willing to conform to God's condition to 'humble themselves', God is visiting and changing people of various religions and backgrounds. Instead of 'intellectual bat-chasing in the dark' which men oft-times call religion today, people are meeting the Lord Jesus and God is speaking to men and women.
For those who wish to determine whether the Lord Jesus 'is the same today', we would recommend the reading of excerpts from "Another Daniel". (Please visit our on-line bookstore "Beautiful Books" for more information.)