January, 1957 “Watchmen - Watch” Late Mr. N. Daniel
Isaiah 21:11 “Watchman, what of the night?”
You are a watchman. Which part of the night are you in now? A year has gone by. A New Year has come in. You are the watchman of your night. You are the watchman of your family. Watching over your congregation is also your duty. Each man in the church should through his prayer be a watch man. Otherwise, the pastor alone cannot do the job. We are strangers and pilgrims in this world. Some are traveling in the day and some are traveling in the night. Some are finishing their life traveling in darkness without entering into the life of Christ. Even before the morning star rises in their hearts, to proclaim the dawn and before the Word of God enters into their hearts, as a light that shineth in darkness, some are completing their lives. Even before they pray that sinners prayer “Have mercy on me, I am a sinner!”, they pass out of this world. Watchman! Wake up in this New Year, lest your life end in darkness. Your flickering lamp has to be lighted.
is running fast. Unconverted people have to be awakened, lest they move from
darkness into deeper darkness and the shadow of death. God speaks to Daniel.
God asked Daniel to watch. As time runs to its close, many shall purify
themselves and will be made white but the wicked shall do wickedly and shall
not understand. But the wise shall understand. We are called to show forth the
praises (the nature) of Him, who has called us out of darkness, into His marvelous
light. (I Peter 2: 9) We are called to be a royal priesthood and a holy nation.
When shall we be thus established? Let us pray that we may be delivered from
every bondage in the New Year. May women, refuse external adornments and desire
the internal ornaments of a meek and quiet spirit. May men regard women as
being heirs together with them of the grace of life and praying together with
them, understanding the will of God for their families, carefully guiding them
into it. Time is passing. “Watchman, what of the night!” Is your night passed?
Are you living in the light? Are your children donning the garments of a humble
mind which God alone gives so that they may obey their elders! Children also
are watchmen of their own lives. Jesus was filled with wisdom and grew in
stature. His growth in stature was in the same proportion as His growth in the
wisdom of God. As His body grew in strength, His Spirit was strengthened also.
His spiritual strength was always greater than His physical. His Divine wisdom
was always greater than His mental knowledge. His spiritual power or spiritual
strength was greater than the desire of the body. The grace of God was upon
Him. Our body is like an ass over which the Spirit is to ride and control. If
the Spirit reigns and rides over the body, the body will take the direction of
the heavenly
What is left of the night! Have you left your family in darkness? The earnings
of a righteous man support life. The earnings of the ungodly generate sin. The
f ear of the Lord leads to long life. The days of the ungodly are cut short. Are
you awake and watching? Is your family still in the hours of the night? When
the morning star rises over your family, the light of life begins first in the
parents and then flows to the children. "He that loveth long life let him
keep himself from evil and his lips from speaking guile. Let him speak peace
and pursue it! Let this be fulfilled in your family. The eyes of the Lord are
upon the righteous and His ears are open to their cry. The face of the Lord is
against them that do evil. Parents should teach as oracles. They should be good
stewards of the manifold grace of God. Watchman, are you watching over your
body, your mind and your spirit, so that the rivers of life are flowing through
you into your family? The river of life rises and flows over through you and
your wife and children into the Christian congregation. Remember, you may have
to leave this tabernacle of your body soon. While you are in this body, remember
these things. Do not neglect the congregation with whom you worship. If the
young people in the congregation go astray, they will have a bad influence over
your children. Out of this congregation have to come the daughters-in-law and
the sons-in-law that your family will need. When the judgement of God came upon