March 20th, 1963                                   “Fellowship With the Father”                                         Late Mr. N. Daniel


“That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.” (I John 1: 3)

The object of declaring this truth is that they may have fellowship with those who are established in faith. It is difficult to find fel1owship with those who live in the high levels of faith because they cannot interpret what they say and what they do. Even when Jesus was speaking, the disciples misunderstood Him. Jesus was living at a certain level and the disciples in another. When Jesus revealed to Peter what was going to happen, Peter said, "No, Lord I will lay down my life." What a wrong estimate of his spiritual abilities! All of us are like that. Our estimate of our own lives is always wrong but God loves us.

Have you begun your life in Christ? Are you growing from childhood to manhood? Children cannot join the parents in their conversation. Sometimes children are sent away when parents are discussing certain matters. So also in the kingdom of God. But there will come a time when you are fully grown and you enter into the interests of the family. Jesus expected His disciples to rise higher. He told Peter ''You cannot follow me now. You cannot have real fellowship with me. But there will come a time when you will do all those things you are now hoping to do."

Elijah on Carmel was certainly far above those who did not kiss Baal's altar. Why? He was bearing the burden of the people. He was wrestling in faith and developing his spiritual muscle. He could challenge all the prophets of Baal and Ashtoreth.

I wish we can do so with some of the church leaders. We must do it one day. Carmel must be seen in South India. Some are talking nonsense and preventing thousands from being saved. They have not brought one soul to Christ all their life. The church has made them dignitaries. Now they do nothing but ruin the church. Those that weep and pray and bring people to Christ are talked ill of. I am waiting for that time according to God's will. Let me prove whether I am a servant of God. Let us prove it as in Carmel. Well we must come to that level. We must not do it in pride but in humility and for the sake of perishing people. Everyone could not have fellowship with Elijah at that time. There was a poor widow in whose house he had hospitality. There seemed to be one woman with whom he could have some fellowship.

When Abraham offered his only son, he was on a high level. Had I lived at that time I could not have had fellowship with Abraham. I would have wept when Isaac was placed on the altar. Abraham did not weep. He had fellowship with God. 'Our fel1owship is with God, the Father and God the Son.' One day we will have that Fellowship. God is expecting us to rise to that level of faith.

John, the dearest of the Lord, is speaking. 'We have fellowship with the Father and with the Son.' Everyday as we are waiting on God, God the Son will come there. If you are steady in your life your faith is established and you enter into the Holy of Holies in prayer. God the Father will come. He wants to have fellowship with you even in this world. Many saints had it. Their faith was without doubts. There is no place for doubt. Pride does not trouble you. When? When you have fellowship with the Father and Son you will lie low as it were in dust. "And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, which am but dust and ashes. (Gen 18:27). You will know you are but dust. You know your place and you think like God and your prayers will always be in the will of God. There is no wastage in your prayer. Ful1ness of joy will be in you. (John 14:21-23) Jesus says, 'I will manifest Myself.' As I manifest Myself you will get fullness of life." Life is in Him. When you read the life of Francis of Assissi and Madam Guyon you will see it. Christ will manifest Himself because you have taken His word. It is your wealth and you will not deviate from it. Then a heavenly atmosphere is created around you and angels of God come to you. They come from the Father and tel1 you that there is a place prepared for you.

Jesus says, 'I will come.' 'Come' - where? In the room of that house, or where they meet for prayer. 'I will manifest Myself and I will come and dwell with them.' Our fellowship is with the Father and Son. Expect that. These sinful desires will die out. You do not know how. You have a new nature. That is the divine nature.