August 19th, 1959                         “Is Jesus Lord Over Your Life?”                           Late Mr. N. Daniel


I Cor. 12: 3 "Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost."

To say Jesus is the Lord requires great spiritual understanding. Jesus is the Lord of your life. You may say He is the Lord of the universe. But to say He is the Lord of your life you need the help of the Holy Spirit. It requires great knowledge. If He is the Lord, He can command you. Daniel made Him his Lord even in his youth. Even in his food, he made Him Lord. There was no one to control him. He could eat and do what he liked. Even when he was a big officer next to the king, he made Him Lord. Did Gideon make Him Lord over his life in a day? He was questioning within himself: where is the God of our fathers? When the angel met him, he accepted God as his Lord. Then the word came to pull down the altars of Baal in his father's house, to build an altar to the Lord and to offer a sacrifice to God. He obeyed. When Jesus becomes our Lord we also become masters because He gives us authority. Matthew 10:1 "And when he had called unto Him His twelve disciples, He gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease."

To what extent is He Lord over you? Is He Lord over your dress? Is He Lord over your sleep? Is He Lord over your friendships? Is He the Lord over your eating ? As long as you sit with the scornful you are grieving the Lord. Is He the Lord over your spending of time? Eph. 4:30 "And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption." Those who are born again and do not obey the Lord, grieve the Spirit of God. If you grieve the Spirit, you lose your authority. When you accept Jesus' lordship in your home the devil trembles to enter into your home. Those who accept Jesus as Lord of their lives will no longer be ordinary persons. The rain cannot wet you, the sun cannot scorch you. God takes care of you.

The highest gift of the Holy Spirit is prophesying. Prophesying is speaking the mind of God. As the Holy Spirit makes Jesus the Lord in every aspect of your life, so your power will be extended. To the extent you accept Him as your Lord, to that extent you will be powerful. We should accept His lordship over every aspect of our life. As you accept His lordship, your body will be healed, your mental powers wi11 become sharp, your spiritual powers wi11 become keen. Jesus said. “I can of myself do nothing.” He accepted His Father's lordship over all His life, and God gave Him the reins of the universe. God also wants to give you the reins of the universe. No one can call Jesus Lord but by the Holy Spirit. We can call Him Lord with our lips. Is He Lord over your spending of money? Do you say, “I cannot go where I like. As He commands I go. I cannot spend money as I like. As He commands_I spend.” When you come to that state God will entrust His power to you. Then like Joseph you will say, “Do not the interpretations of dreams belong to God? All that is God's is mine. So tell me the dream.” Psalm 125:3 "For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity." God will not allow the ungodly to rule over you or your children. God does not want your property to be under the ungodly!