December 29th, 1961 “Living To Glorify God” LATE MR. N. DANIEL
I Cor. 6:19-20
"What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is
in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a
price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are
Christianity is different
from the other religions. The commission God has given us is, "Glorify
God." How? With what? When? Where? "Glorify
God" must be our motto. In every turn of our life, we must ask, "Am I
glorifying God?" The body becomes our enemy. Gal. 5:17. The spirit of man
is put in man by God to enable us to understand God. John 4:23,24. God is a Spirit and you also have a spirit. The world
by its wisdom cannot know God. The spirits of the men of other religions never
contact God. They live out of touch with God. I Cor.
2:14 Those who are not born of God cannot understand
the things of the Spirit.
You are bought with a
price for a purpose. You are not your own. You cannot dress as you like and do
whatever you like. You can't put on any jewel you please on your nose or ears.
You can't go to evil places of pleasure. One cannot see a prophet in a worldly
man. God is seeking a prophet in you. Do you know your value? You are bought
with a price. Jude 12. There are clouds which bring no rain. A vain person is like
that - a self-seeker. He wants to be an important person. He wants to be
conspicuous. A tailor-made gentleman cannot do good to
others. You are made to glorify God. Can hungry souls be fed by you? Can others
say of you, "This woman leaves foot marks which others can follow safely
without hesitation?
A certain young man
studied with me. He did not complete his B.A. He believed in smoking. He always
wore what used to be called "The Oxford dress". It was a kind of
loose trousers which was the fashion of the day,
because the then Prince of Wales wore such clothes. He was a very bad example
wherever he went. Don't grieve the Holy Spirit after you are converted. I was a
cause of pain to some, because they could not talk as they wished to in my
presence. The Holy Spirit God will guide you into all truth, victories,
holiness and success. Do not be engaged with unprofitable things. Remember you
are bought with a price.
One day you will rejoice
that you did not choose this vain thing and that attractive thing but allowed
God to lead you wonderfully in the righteous path. Is. 32:15,16.
You belonged to the wilderness. Your desires were unsanctified, uncontrolled.
You had unsanctified instincts. You existed for the pleasures of the flesh.
Many homes are like the
wilderness. What kind of intimacy have you with
When you meet a Hindu, what are your
thoughts? Are you pure? Do you think man is born only
for marriage?
Without marriage can he not glorify God? Can you wait for God's choice? Is.
Do you choose your own will and ascribe it
to God? You are not your own. Is. 66:4
Write down the list of
things which you have chosen against God. When you see people do you covet what
they posses?
Why don't you look at
virtuous people and copy their virtues. In our homes do we have heathen
customs? Don't do things exactly as your parents did but learn from the Bible
the way you should walk. My father was taught and directed of God in some areas
of Christian life but in other areas when God taught me he never rejected me. The
world needs men sanctified in thoughts and instincts. Jude was the brother of
Christ. When he writes the epistle he writes with much meaning. 20th verse "But ye, beloved, building up yourselves
on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost."