Joshua 21:44, 45 “The Promises of God” Late Mr. N. Daniel
Everything was fulfilled to receive the fulfilment of God's promises. All that God told Joshua he obeyed carefully. He made the people obey God and so God's blessings were all given. Did God's blessings come down into your life? Have you fulfilled His laws? Do you know that He is a God of truth? God cannot go against His laws. If you choose your own ways and have no fear of God, can you expect God to break His laws and bless you? Is that possible for a righteous God? Is He a man? Is He like us? We promise and break our word. We sometimes do less than what we promise. Can God do so? If He does so can you call him a righteous God? It is said here that nothing failed of all that He said. That is the nature of God. He is watching you and you are made for blessing. Only He is anxious to see whether you fulfil the conditions to receive His blessing. The devil is watching God. He says, "What kind of a God are you? Can you bless a man who broke all your laws? Do not interfere with me. He in a way belongs to me." Man has no fear of God. He is marching to hell. Seeing he has despised God's protection, Satan wants to have his way with him. Satan cannot do that with a man who obeys God. Satan argues with God about your life. Satan sees it when a man does not fulfil even the elementary principles of Christian life. God cannot protect him. Satan claims him. Jesus' protection was round Judas. But Judas did not care to obey God. Then the devil possessed him.
What are you doing? Do you know the laws of God? Do you meditate on them day and night? All the days of your life nobody can stand against you. No weapon against you will prosper. Joshua had this promise. God guards His people. All the Israelites obeyed what Joshua said. He had revelations from God. He had first hand touch with God. He was a dependable guide. Are you a dependable mother, father or leader? Are you giving concessions to your children saying, "It does not matter. She is my daughter. He is my son. God will take care of them"? Are you doing like this? I had a friend. He feared God. He had an ungodly mother-in-law. She was looking after his children. She cooked their meals but talked poison to them. She spoke against those who served God. She made money their God. But my friend said, "God is there. He will do everything for us." I said, "Do not put your work on God. He is a righteous God. Without knowing His nature, if we say, 'God will take care of everything' we will harm our children." Do you obey the Word of God? When you do not obey, do not expect God to help you.
at Eli's house. Women were coming to the house of God. His sons sinned with those
women. They were married men but had no fear. How long will God tolerate
adultery? I Sam. 2:30-36. Judgment was passed. Children of those who serve God
can tend to be careless. Pastors' children can be careless. The work of God is
just routine business to them. People in this retreat can afford to be
careless. But God will not bear it for long. Before God's
hand comes heavily on you, awake. There is no fear
of sin in many Christian homes. When parents sin it is like opening the door
and sleeping. If you are living in a forest area a tiger can come in. You
sinned and hid it. If you pray, it is of no use. The protective doors are open.
Know the laws of God. No doubt God is love. But He has certain laws. If you are
a Headmaster, you cannot give your son a high grade in his exam when he does
not deserve it. There are some rules. If you are a judge, you cannot release
your son if he commits a crime. The laws are against him. The whole universe is
in God's hands. All powers are in His hands. But He cannot do anything if you
hide your sin. Joshua led the people well. So there was blessing among
you are ungrateful to God, it is as if your windows are open to the enemy. Many
Christians are not grateful to God. Parents in
David brought the ark of the covenant of God. They did not take heed to the Word of God concerning the transport of the ark. They put the ark on a cart drawn by oxen. The oxen trembled - the driver touched the ark and died. God had clearly given instructions as to how they should carry the ark. They did not obey. The consequence was death. Then they put it in the house of a man called Obed Edom. When David put up a tent for the ark the Levites who had sanctified themselves carried it. David wore a white linen garment and sang a new song. A grateful heart terrorises Satan. When a woman fears God, she thanks God for all the things in the home. Satan cannot go in there. She takes out a jacket from her closet and thanks God, "Lord I thank thee. I can go to church in a neat dress." There is nothing in the house for which I cannot be thankful- for the food, drink and sleep.
I Chronicles 16:15,16,21. For generations there will be blessing. Verse 21. God is fighting on your side. You are zealous for His kingdom and God is zealous about you. He will keep you as the apple of His eye. The food a woman cooks must be a blessing. When she prays she builds a wall around her husband in the office. Verse 29. When will you declare the beauty of holiness? During my college days I glorified God. I trembled at His word. I wanted to wear the holiness which He gives me. Sing a new song. David became mad with joy. Michal was jealous and despised his devotion. But God did not like it. She became childless.
Colossians 3:15. Let the peace of God rule your heart. Let us be thankful to God. Let us be Levites and carry the ark. Let us rejoice and dance. Let us be thankful to God because He saved us and washed us.
You must watch what sins you copy from your parents. Let us discard heathen customs. A grandmother took her grand daughter to the temple. Still that child suffers. Don't cast your sin into the lap of your children. Satan wants to remind you of your past sins but they are completely washed off. Take courage. Our homes must be free from all the vain traditions of our forefathers.
If doors are closed to the enemy take care of the windows. Be careful about your home and children. Remember to thank God for all His benefits.