“The Greatness of God’s Word”           Late Mr. N. Daniel


Psalm 19

      The firmament is so vast that the best telescope cannot search out the objects in it. After describing the firmament, David speaks about the perfect law of God. The mathematical laws of the firmament are perfect. But with the spiritual eye, he sees greater perfection in the Word of God. The spiritual eye sees your Creator who has created you for a great purpose. God has put in you great potentialities. The world is in need of your services. When you see the helplessness of sinners around you, you must know that God has made you to help them.

      The Psalmist is speaking about the value of God's Word. John 6:63. If you study the Scriptures, with a humble heart you will find them coming alive before you. The words will be so alive that you will feel as if you were touching a living person. The study of the sciences of this world cannot make us perfect. But the Word of God can make you perfect. Those who learn to meditate on the Word of God and to enjoy it will be very useful in this world. The Word of God makes the simple wise.

      George Muller took the responsibility of feeding two thousand orphans. The needs of orphans are not merely physical but spiritual. Those who have parents are well looked after and are carefully corrected and directed. But orphans have no one to correct them. George Muller who was a good student of the Word of God became a guide to 2000 orphans.

      Young people want to be laughing and happy always. But there is unreality in laughter. If it is joy bubbling out of a clean heart, it is real. Otherwise, even in laughter, the heart is sorrowful. Ps.119:72. Suppose you put a lot of money into the hands of an orphan, what will he do with it? He will ruin himself. You may give money, but can you give character? When you study the Word, the best in you will come out. If you take the Bible with you to read it whenever you are free, the Spirit of God will hover around you.

      How much we spoil the work of God by not knowing the Scriptures!  We handle the things of God with unclean hands. When we read the scriptures we get the fear of God. The fear of God is the real treasure of a home. When you study the Scriptures, the Spirit of God brings out the plan of God for you. For want of the knowledge of the Scripture, you are unable to present the Word to your classmates in a way that will be attractive to them. There are great promises in the Scriptures. The Spirit of God alone will show them to you. When you become conscious of them during your study of the Word, you will go to Him who has the keys of the treasures of the promises. God will not give you the keys till you have proved yourself worthy. If He gives you the keys when you are not prepared, you will make yourself a god and make sure your place in hell. God will first test you by the hammer strokes from the Word of God and try you by the fire of His Holy Word. When you are red-hot in the fire of the Word, the hammer stroke will come to shape you and test you.

      The heavens are vast, but the Word of God is greater and vaster.