Truth in the Heart
"LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? Who shall
dwell in thy holy hill?" (Psalm
We must ask ourselves whether we are at fault.
"Speaking the truth in the
heart." The Psalmist is very careful about his
thoughts. We must come to true and
righteous conclusions. Very often we are
hard upon others in our judgments. A
very high standard of life is described here.
"In whose eyes a vile person is contemned;
but he honoureth them that fear the LORD" (Psalm
15:4). Do we honor the people who fear
the Lord? Very often we honor big and rich people.
"Who shall ascend into the hill of the
LORD? or who
shall stand in his holy place? He that
hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto
vanity, nor sworn deceitfully" (Psalm 24:3,4). How many times vain things attract us! David
seems to have understood the deep thoughts of
God. There are moments of
carelessness. We must be watchful. God wants to look after you carefully as He
looks after His eyes. If a fly
approaches our eyes, or if we hear a terrible noise, we close our eyes. The eye-lids are very careful and quick. God wants to look after us like that. It is a blessing. When we commit a sin, it is like a hole in
the ship which must be immediately corrected.
If you are careful like that, you do good to
yourselves, you will go deep into the love of God. You will see the heights of glory.
We must keep proper company. Our companies and friends could bring vanity
and sin into us.
"And might not be as their fathers, a
stubborn and rebellious generation; a generation that set not their heart
aright, and whose spirit was not steadfast with God" (Psalm 78:8). Is my
spirit right with God? Am I steadfast in
my covenant with God? We have a spirit
and God is Spirit. God wants to make you
perfect. One day people will come to you
for prophetic revelations. You can
boldly help them. God will reward you
for your service. Let us not be
flatterers. Let us speak the truth to
our kith and kin. We must be careful to
speak the truth in the heart and never lift it unto vanity.